Contribute in other ways as well
The Bisbee Community Chorus is a 501(c)(3) organization. We always appreciative of your donations. You can contribute to the mission of the chorus in a number of ways.
Amazon SmileThe Bisbee Community Chorus is connected with Amazon Smile which will donate 0.5% of all purchases back to the charity of your choice. Just visit On your first visit, you will be given the opportunity to select a charity. Just search for Bisbee Community Chorus.
Ebay SellersIf you're an eBay seller, you can make a donation to the chorus with every sale. When listing an item, turn on the option to "Donate a portion to charity," then select the Bisbee Community Chorus and the percentage to donate. Using the Find a Charity tool, tap the heart icon to add the chorus to your Favorites list. When you donate a portion of your sales to the chorus, you'll get listing fee credits equal to the percent you are donating. For example, if you donate 20% to the chorus, you will get a 20% reduction in listing and final value fees.
Donations by MailThe chorus is a 501(c)(3) organization, so if you itemize deductions on your tax return, you're able to use the donation to reduce your taxes.
Donations can be sent via mail to the following address: Bisbee Community Chorus PO Box 5317 Bisbee, AZ 85603 Please be sure to include your mailing address so we can send a letter for tax purposes. |
Other ways to helpUncomfortable sending money over the internet? You can send a check to the chorus at PO Box 5317, Bisbee, AZ 85603.
You can also make a special donation at our next concert. We are always looking for volunteers to help at performances. If you have any questions, you can always contact us at [email protected], or visit our Facebook Page. |